Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Screenwriter Sharon Y. Cobb Signs New Novel

Jacksonville resident Sharon Y. Cobb will sign her new book, False Confessions of a True Hollywood Screenwriter, at Barnes & Noble, St. Johns Town Center, Saturday, January 28 at 2:00 p.m. Sharon works as a professional screenwriter and she is a member of the Writers Guild of America.

False Confessions is an action comedy about a screenwriter who takes on Hollywood in an estrogen-fueled rampage and still pulls off a deliriously happy Hollywood ending. In Hollywood there are no rules and they're strictly enforced.

Visit Sharon's website at

Thursday, December 1, 2011

America's Most Wanted Filmed in Jax

America's Most Wanted (AMW) that recently filmed throughout Jacksonville and will air Friday, December 2nd at 9pm on LIFETIME - (2 of 3 segments will air 12/2/11). The other segment will air Friday, December 9th at 9pm. Jacksonville locations doubled for Chicago and Houston. Locations include Jacksonville Beach Pier, Jacksonville Beach private residence, a San Marco apartment and Baptist Hospital (downtown).

AMW filmed over the course of four days, having an economic impact of approximately $150,000. Over 50 local production professionals and talents were hired. Besides the hired local workforce, hotels, caterers, restaurants, vendors and other service industries benefited from this production.
“I am excited to be back in Jacksonville," said Greg Klein, the show’s executive producer and writer. "Your crew, government cooperation, cost efficiency and locations are the reasons we love coming back to North Florida, and we are so excited to continue our partnership with Jacksonville.”

Click on the link of some production photos taken on the AMW set by Tom Fallon, Location Manager.